Common question people have when signing up for medicare in the boise idaho

Do I need to sign up for Medicare

Some people will automatically be signed up for Medicare Parts A and B. This happens when they apply for retirement benefits or disability benefits. Applying for these benefits will automatically apply you for Medicare. If someone has had viable coverage and had delayed taking Part B then they will need to contact their local Social Security Office and request to be enrolled in Medicare Parts A and B.

Click to Call The Local Boise Social Security Office 855-377-9316 

If I am working and turning 65 do I need to enroll in Medicare?

If you are working someplace that offers you credible coverage then you can delay enrolling in Medicare. Your employer must have 20 or more employees to be considered credible coverage. A spouse can have credible coverage through their spouses employer. If you are not contributing to a Health Savings Account it is still advised to enroll in Medicare Part A. There is no premium for Part A if you have paid into Social Security for 10 years or 40 quarters. 

I am working and turning 65 is Medicare better then my employers insurance?

Medicare will usually offer you better coverage then employer insurance. But there is a lot to consider. For examples, How much are your premiums?  Will the drugs you take be more expensive on Medicare? Or is your spouse or family on your insurance. If you are considering switching to Medicare off of employer coverage it is best to find an Agent to run all the numbers together.

Can I apply for Medicare Online? 

You can apply for Medicare benefits online at

I am losing medical coverage and had delayed Part B, how long do I have to sign up for Medicare?

You will have a 2-month window after you lose coverage to sign up for Medicare. Activate Part B as soon as possible so you can shop for coverage the month before you lose coverage. This way you will not go without coverage.